Boat Repairs Bristol

Hello, fellow boaters are you looking for mobile boat repairs in the Bristol and Southwest area? We have a decade of experience as liveaboards and boating enthusiasts and If we don't have an answer we probably know someone who will.  Note, BRP will travel to other UK destinations for larger jobs, but at our digression.

Insurance Repairs

We have full public liability and are fully insured to take on personal and commerical boat repairs and services- You can rest well, knowing your in good hands.

Porthcrawl Marine Insurance

Marine Services We Offer

  • GRP Repairs Gelcoat repairs, detailing, fiberglass lamination, and replacement of non-slip area texture. fairing, body shop work.
  • Insulation Work - from spray foam application on large commercial vessels to small cruisers and racing yachts.
  • Floor Replacement with a composite core, removing rotten substructure. Installing stringers and supports.
  • Transom Repairs
  • Anti-foul Using industry-leading anti-foul coatings.  Bottom cleaning, wet sanding and full prep to keep dust and contamination down to a minimum.
  • Painting Coveline, gunwales, Non-slip areas and hull areas. Colour matching is available locally providing the paint is sourced with our local marine paint supplier.
  • Marine Engineering - At current, this isn't our area of speciality however we do have a number of qualified and experienced marine engineers available for subcontracting.
  • Thu-hull fittings, installation.
  • Deck hardware repair and installation above and below the waterline.
  • Mobile Boat Cleaning - Internal / External Valets.
  • Boat Repairs Bristol

Not Currently Offering

The following services we have a strong working knowledge of but don't currently offer.

  • Gas
  • 230v AC Electrics- Shorepower
  • 12v DC Repairs
  • Full Boat Refits (due to time constraints)


We are now taking bookings for Bristol, Cardiff, Portishead and the South West in general.  We can also offer remote services to the UK depending on the amount of work needed.

Negotiable day rates, hourly and fixed quotes are available.  Depending on location, duration, and the type of repair service needed.  Jobs are charged at labor plus materials, it is sometimes required for materials to be bought or paid for upfront.


For Bookings Contact


Call UK: (44+) 7488951991

Insta: boatrenovationpeople

Unfortunately, we do way too many jobs to keep our portfolio up to date but you can use our Instagram feed to see what we're currently up to.

What we've worked on

Atlantic Rowing Boats,  Kayaks and Canoes, Ketch Sailboats, Dual Engine Motor Boats, River Cruisers, Racing Boats, Narrow Boats, Tenders, Ribs, Tug Boats, Lifeboats and even GRP Unicorns!   No job too small, no job too big.


Rudder Rebuild - Westerly Berwick

Unicorn FEST BRISTOL grp repairs - leukaemia care

maintenance on floating harbor Studios bristol

Twin KEEL refit and internal GRP HULL repair


Anti-Foul SERVICE - Dufour Yacht

Full Re-fit and Repower - Seamaster 950

Bristol Boat Repairs

1 thought on “Boat Repairs Bristol”

  1. Hi there

    I am looking to purchase a 77″ tug boat which needs full restoration (no engine) into a ‘houseboat’. The boat is moored in Kent so I believe too far from yourselves and services but I was hoping to have a chat to get some more understanding on the renovation required and how much it is likely to cost.
    Thanks in advance!

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